4:00 pm - J. Schwartz/T. Stubits
7:30 am - C. Faust/J. Strefeler
10:00 am - K. Katrinak/J. Strefeler/choir
Readings - 938
Mass of Christ the Savior with Memorial Acclamation B
Entrance - 612 O God Our Help In Ages Past
Responsorial Psalm - R&A 146
Gospel Acclamation - R&A 147
Presentation of Preparation of the gifts - 562 Only THis I Want
Communion - 585 The Eyes and Hands of Christ
Song of Praise - BB205 Humbly Lord We Worship You
Sending Forth - 685 Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
More Great Hymns - 10,000 Reasons; 295 Behold the Lamb of God; 648 The King of Love My Shepherd Is; 725 Lift Up YOur Hearts; 605 Blest Be the Lord; 563 Unless a Grain of Wheat; 529 The Summons; 636 Open My Eyes; 573 Christ in Me Arise; 649 SHelter Me O God; Thanks Be To God; 543 Take the Word Of God With You